Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Lesson 1 Australia's Unique Physical Environment

Australia's Unique Physical Environment
Lesson 1

Students are to create a Blog using Blogger. As they complete their class work, they are to post their answers and idea on their blog each lesson. Students are also encouraged to post points of interest, pictures, maps, links and articles on their blog as well.

Students are to enter the name of their blog, their real name and the URL of their blog into the Google Doc that has been shared with you named "Blogger login details."


1. Set up a Blog using Blogger.
2. Identify your favourite Australian physical environment. Insert a picture, video and description of this physical environment on your blog.
3. Outline what you think this unit of work will be about.
4. Describe activities that would you like to do in class. Eg group work, filming, research, games, quizzes etc.
5. List what you hope to learn in this unit of work. What sort of things would you like to learn about Australia? What interests you most?

1 comment:

  1. This lesson seemed to be ok. Most students were able to set up a blog and some were able to commence working on them and customising them.
